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The Prizes
Trophies, special prizes sponsored by r/c manufacturers.
Champion: To be announced
1st Runner-up: To be announced
2nd Runner-up: To be announced
Best Run: To be announced
Team Award: To be announced (Three men team)
The Contest
Following the traditional F3F competition practices, we have prepared the trophies for 1st (Champion), 2nd, 3rd, and Best Speed prizes. The trophies are currently under design. Events and prizes may be arranged with the support of competition sponsors and individuals. We will upload photos as soon as the trophy is ready. Upload a photo of a previously created trophy first.
전통적인 F3F 경기 관행에 따라 1등(Champion), 2등, 3등, 베스트 스피드상을 준비했습니다. 트로피는 현재 디자인 중입니다. 대회 스폰서의 지원에 따라 이벤트와 부상이 준비될 수도 있습니다. 트로피의 준비가 완료 되는대로 사진을 업로드할 예정입니다. 기존에 제작되었던 트로피 사진을 먼저 올립니다.
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